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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - communication


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~ n 1 the process by which people exchange information or express their thoughts and feelings  (Good communication is vital in a large organization. | means of communication)  (Radio was the pilot's only means of communication.) 2 communications plural a) ways of sending information, especially using radio, telephone or computers  (Modern communications enable more and more people to work from home.) b) ways of travelling and sending goods, such as roads, railways etc  (Paris has good communications with many European cities.) 3 formal a letter, message or telephone call  (a communication from the Ministry of Defence) 4 communication skills ways of expressing yourself well so that other people will understand  (a week's course in improving communication skills) 5 be in communication with formal to talk or write to someone regularly or occasionally
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  (communications) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Communications are the systems and processes that are used to communicate or broadcast information, especially by means of electricity or radio waves. ...a communications satellite. ...communications equipment. N-PLURAL: oft N n 2. A communication is a message. (FORMAL) The ambassador has brought with him a communication from the President. N-COUNT 3. see also communicate ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Date: 14th century  1. an act or instance of transmitting  2.  a. information communicated  b. a verbal or written message  3.  a. a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior the function of pheromones in insect ~; also exchange of information  b. personal rapport a lack of ~ between old and young persons  4. plural  a. a system (as of telephones) for communicating  b. a system of routes for moving troops, supplies, and vehicles  c. personnel engaged in communicating  5. plural but singular or plural in construction  a. a technique for expressing ideas effectively (as in speech)  b. the technology of the transmission of information (as by print or tele~)  • ~al adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 a the act of imparting, esp. news. b an instance of this. c the information etc. communicated. 2 a means of connecting different places, such as a door, passage, road, or railway. 3 social intercourse (it was difficult to maintain communication in the uproar). 4 (in pl.) the science and practice of transmitting information esp. by electronic or mechanical means. 5 (in pl.) Mil. the means of transport between a base and the front. 6 a paper read to a learned society. Phrases and idioms communication cord Brit. a cord or chain in a railway carriage that may be pulled to stop the train in an emergency. communication (or communications) satellite an artificial satellite used to relay telephone circuits or broadcast programmes. communication theory the study of the principles and methods by which information is conveyed. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) связь, коммуникация; система связи; мн. ч. средства связи 2) передача; система передачи 3) обмен информацией 4) взаимодействие, общение to contact (to establish) communications — устанавливать связь - adaptive communications - air communications - air distress communications - air safety communications - air-to-air communications - air-to-ground communications - amateur radio communications - amateur communications - analog communications - antijam communications - asynchronous communications - bandlimited communications - base-to-mobile communications - batch communications - beam communications - beyond-the-horizon communications - buffered communications - cable communications - car-to-car communications - computer communications - conference communications - data communications - digital communications - direct communications - disaster communications - diversity communications - domestic communications - duplex communications - emergency communications - en-route communications - facsimile communications - feedback communications - fiber-optics communications - frequency-hop communications - full duplex communications - ground-to-air communications - guideway-transportation communications - half-duplex communications - harmonic communications - high-frequency communications - highway communications - host communications - infrared communications - intercomputer communications - interplanetary communications - interprocess communications - interprocessor communications - interstation communications - intertask communications - ionoscatter communications - jam-resistant communications - laser-beam communications - laser communications - light communications - line-of-sight communications - long-haul communications - man-computer communications - marine-vehicle communications - marine communications - message switched communications - meteor-burst communications - microwave communications - mobile communications -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) связь, система связи; средства связи 2) передача 3) взаимодействие – acoustic communications – administrative-economic communication – advanced shipboard communication – aerial communication – aeronautical communications – airborne SHF-communication – airborne-to-Earth communication – aircraft communication – air-to-air communication – air-to-air voice communication – air-to-ground electric communication – air steward-to-air steward telephone communication – Airways and Air communications – all-mine telephone communication – analog-to-digital communication – analog tropospheric communication – annunciating communication – antenna communication – asynchronous communication – audio-conference communication – audio-visual communication – auroral long-distance communication – automatic trunk communication – auxiliary communication – babyphone communication – basic communication – bathysphere-to-carrier-ship communication – bidirectional communication – binary-synchronous communication – boat emergency communications – both-way simultaneous communication – branch telephone communication – broadcast communication – carrier-current communication – car-to-car communication – coastal center-to-coastal center communication – code-independent data communication – coherent-light communication – combine wall communication – command-telephone communication – common-service communication – common-using telegraph communication – common-using telephone communication – component triaxial communication – computerized communication – computer-to-computer communication – conductor-to-departure responsible communication – conference communication – confidential special radio communication – contactless HF-communication – contact network communication – contingency communication – continuous communication – control communication – data communication – data-transmission communication – departmental...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) коммуникация, связь 2) сообщение 3) средство связи 4) взаимодействие, общение - VHF UHF communication - aeronautical communication - air-to-ground communication - amateur radio communication - center-to-point communication - electric communication - emergency-service communication - fiber-optics communication - global communication - high-frequency communication - integrated communication - intersystem communication - ionospheric radio communication - laser communication - long-distance communication - meteor burst communication - meteor burst communication - microwave communication - multichannel communication - multichannel radio communication - noisy communication - one-way communication - one-way radio communication - packet communication - personal radio communication - point-to-center communication - point-to-point communication - preplay communication - private communication - radio communication - radio-relay communication - ship-to-ship radio communication - space communication - telephone communication - two-way communication - two-way radio communication - underwater sonar communication - vehicular communication - vehicular radio communication - voice communication ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) коммуникация; обмен информацией, передача (и прием) информации; общение; контакт(ы) 2) pl связь; система связи 3) решение экспертизы – communications gap – communication from abroad – audio-visual communication – data communication – down communications – external communications – horizontal communications – internal communications – marketing communication – one-way communication – oral communications – sales communications – two-way communication – upward communications – verbal communication COMMUNICATION сущ. 1) сообщение, передача 2) коммуникация, связь, средство сообщения • - communication channel - communication effect - communication facilities - communication flow - communication link - communication of information - communication process - communication structures - communication style - emergency communication - line of communication - multifunction communication - nonverbal communication Syn: linkage, bond, tie, contact, connection COMMUNICATION сущ. 1) а) общ. передача, сообщение (напр. мыслей) б) общ. распространение, передача communication of disease — распространение болезни в) общ. общение, связь, контакт to be in communication with smb. — переписываться с кем-л. See: correspondence г) упр. коммуникация (процесс обмена информацией между элементами системы, уровнями и членами организации; в процессном менеджменте: один из связующих управленческих процессов) lack of communication — недостаток коммуникации There has been a breakdown of communication between management and shopfloor workers. — Между руководством и...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  общение; коммуникация – artificial communication ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. передача, сообщение; информация mathematical theory of communication —- математическая теория связи, теория передачи информации 2. распространение, передача communication of disease —- распространение болезни 3. общение; связь to be in communication with smb —- переписываться с кем-л lack of communication —- отсутствие общения, дефицит общения 4. сообщение, известие; письмо, послание to receive a communication —- получить сообщение your communication came in time to change all my plans —- ваше письмо пришло вовремя, и я мог изменить свои планы 5. связь, сообщение; коммуникация telegraphic communication —- телеграфная связь wireless communication —- радиосвязь communication channel —- канал связи communication service —- воен. служба связи 6. средство связи 7. спец. коммуникации, коммуникационные линии communications officer —- воен. начальник связи, начальник коммуникаций communications zone is no communication between these two rooms —- эти две комнаты не сообщаются друг с другом communication trench —- воен. ход сообщения ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  trench mil. ход сообщения COMMUNICATION satellite спутник связи COMMUNICATION noun  1) передача, сообщение (мыслей, сведений и т.п.); информация - vocal communication - privileged communication - lines of communication  2) коммуникация; связь; средство сообщения (железная дорога, телеграф, телефон и т.п.)  3) pl. коммуникации; коммуникационные линии  4) общение, средство общения; pl. связи, контакты to be in communication with smb. - переписываться с кем-л.  5) attr. служащий для сообщения, связи - communication trench - communication service - communication satellite COMMUNICATION service служба связи ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - c.1384, from O.Fr. communicacion, from L. communicationem (nom. communicatio), from communicare "to impart, share," lit. "to make common," from communis (see common). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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